When feeling lonely

When we crave human relationships, we experience loneliness when it is not available. But we need to know the difference between a feeling of loneliness that goes beyond our control (e.g. we are lonely due to illness or disability) and a feeling of loneliness caused by not being able to relate properly to others.

We must never forget that nothing can prevent us from having a relationship with heaven when we are lonely by the circumstances of life. We can have a friendly relationship with friends even when we are alone with others even if we are locked up without a relationship.

The Christian who lived in a nursing home said, I spend all my time with God, but I live. “Yet many are lonely, not because of their circumstances, but because of their inability to communicate properly with others. It is said that in this demanding world in which we live, friendship can be enjoyed by anyone who gives a lot of loneliness. If you want friends, the best way to become friends is to go home. I knelt down and prayed thus forgiving me for paying more attention to myself than others. Became an interesting person.My circle of friends became larger.I became the best in all of his relationships.No Christian can go without the friendship of God under any circumstances.But when we give of ourselves to others in the absence of human friendship they find themselves We must keep in mind that they will give for us.

. Scripture to think : John 14:18, James 4: 8
Prayer Father whatever the reason for my loneliness, it will help to imprint these verses into my heart. This truth will be deeply ingrained in my soul: the presence of one that will never leave me will instill in me the fact that I must be a friend in order to have a friend. In the name of Jesus Amen.
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