UnGodly thought
When struggling with ungodly thoughts

Many Christians struggle with a life of thought while struggling with ungodly thoughts.

It is a battle of imagination and mind. Creating problems. Thoughts that create disturbances may be about attacking others or may be sexually motivated. False thoughts enter the mind but those sinful thoughts can lead directly to sin if not done properly and immediately. The longer those thoughts are in the mind, the stronger they become and become deeper and deeper in the mind. If this war ends in defeat, it’s only a matter of minutes before it starts: remember this. If someone plays with these godless problematic thoughts by saying that I will carry on with these thoughts at any time they are just doing a stupid act.

(This is what happens to those who are: a thought comes and is enjoyed and it slowly leans the mind to its side. Then that inclination creates a kind of desire. It creates a great appetite. This hunger drives us towards nostalgia and nostalgia for sin. , In thought it should be wary of their watching movies and shows, watching shows on TV etc.

Avoid yourself.Heat can not drive them away from being ungodly but will benefit our attention in other things.Giving them attention instead of shifting the profit to another is the worst plan. Is there anything else that can apply to Jesus? Is He the center of all purity? Focusing on him is like seeking his help.
So focus on Jesus at a time when troubled thoughts arise. He has been helpful to others. He will be helpful to you too.
O God will help me turn my thoughts towards you whenever my mind is engaged in a hot struggle. When the water is constantly with me it will help to discover the truth that even trials can become disgusting. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen
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